‘Happy, enjoying life and in a great career’

Proud UPS driver takes social media by storm
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What is the story: Aiden Mann is a proud UPS driver whose journey, and love for UPS, went viral on Tik Tok. Sharing his story elevated his sense of self and helped him find new sources of happiness – including his career at UPS.

Aiden recently opened up to ABC News in a touching interview.

Note: Aiden’s story starts at the 0:39 mark.

Representation matters: Aiden’s mission of sharing self-love and increasing trans visibility is off to a great start. Between his Instagram and Tik Tok platforms, he has 3.5 million followers and is making a difference.

Inclusion at UPS: One of Aiden’s biggest pride points is his job at UPS. 'It was cool to see that UPS shared my video on Trans Day of Visibility. It made me proud that UPS was willing to be so public with their support. It is actions like this that signal to others how inclusive UPS truly is.'

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