A century of smart business bets

From Seattle startup to innovation driven global logistics leader, we have a long history of investing in the future.
Ventures Bets Ventures Bets Ventures Bets

Backed by $100 and youthful dreams, two Seattle teenagers ventured into a crowded parcel delivery space in 1907. Their American Messenger Service ignited a century of innovation and growth that is now UPS.

Our startup status is long past but our entrepreneurial spirit endures in the form of our venture capital arm, now called UPS Ventures. For decades we have collaborated with early-stage companies in every imaginable niche.

All have one thing in common: what they do might help fuel each of our company's growth for the next hundred years.

How we work

We invest in extraordinary companies that are breaking through traditional ways of doing business. We consider a range of investment options that best fit the business model and growth opportunities.

Submit your pitch or business proposal by email to upsventures@ups.com.


Once we spot a good potential fit, we will start a conversation. We will get to know the niche you are in as well as your technology, leaders and vision.


If we both agree to explore further, we will do a more thorough analysis of your business plan, operations, leadership and other fundamentals.


After successful due diligence, we will determine the type(s) and amount of investment and document the business, financial and legal terms.


Beyond our financial investment, our portfolio companies benefit from access to 'UPS’ proprietary supply chain expertise and technologies.

Innovation Led Investments 

Learn more about companies in our global portfolio.


Looking for logistics tips to help get your start-ups started? For insights and shipping offers, visit Shipping for Startups | UPS - United States.

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